A group of people standing in front of a stage.

Student Recitals

Student Recitals will be held in June 2011

To register for the Student Recitals, please go to www.artofmusicschool.us page courses, subpage: registration.
The date for Student Recitals will be available at the end of August, 2010.

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  1. upnews.it says:

    Yevgenya Lepskaya’s school of music – music education for ki…

    Student Recitals August 20th, 2010 | Author: admin Student Recitals will be held in June 2011. To register for the Student Recitals, please go to http://www.artofmusicschool.us page courses, subpage: registration. The date for Student Recitals will be availab…

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