A woman playing the violin with an umbrella.

Making a decision on giving your child music lessons

Making a decision to give your child private piano music lessons

Making a decision to give your child private piano, voice, violin or guitar lessons can be a tough task,
considering the resources that need to be invested in the music education.
Most parents in this situation ask themselves one question: does my child have an aptitude for learning
how to play a musical instrument?
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A close up of the keys on an old piano

The Dying Art of Classical Music

The Dying Art of Classical Music, Alita Carbone

There’s one thing many movies, TV shows, social media, and stores have in common: the classical music that is found playing in the background. Whether in a sad scene between two lovers, in the speakers in an elevator, or in an advertisement for a pair of shoes, you’ll find it. It may be subtle, but if you pay close attention, you’ll be able to hear it. Read more

A piano with some keys on it

Annual summer music festival

A debut performance by the pianist Ian Hobson, is one of the members of the fourth edition of Allerton Music Barn Festival, September 2-6. Read more